Hardware services

Hardware services

Simplify business with a single source for hardware and software

Get in touch

Simplify business and cut costs by making Mecalux your hardware provider. Get access to a wide variety of mobile devices, servers, printers, voice picking devices and other accessories from the best hardware makers.

  • One source support

    One source support

    Receiving the support you need is much easier with a single technology provider, who offers guarantees and fast response times to solve incidents.

  • Configuration and setup

    Configuration and setup

    Mecalux checks everything meticulously to make sure the installed hardware is fully compatible. We configure all the hardware we supply our customers. If remote support is also part of the package, we will also configure all remote maintenance elements to provide proactive customer support.

  • Competitive pricing

    Competitive pricing

    Thanks to our network of tech industry contacts, we can offer hardware to our customers at a more competitive price. Ask for an obligation-free quote.

  • End-to-end solutions

    End-to-end solutions

    Mecalux offers comprehensive solutions with all the software and hardware you need for your supply chain, as well as aftersales maintenance services. 

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