Industrial Manufacturing Software Solutions
Keep your warehouse and manufacturing line in sync. Consistency guaranteed across manufacturing processes
Ask our expertsSustaining synchronised, expedient workflows is the staging point for successful manufacturing and industrial logistics
A warehouse must be attuned with manufacturing lines so the raw materials you need are on hand and work stoppages are avoided.
Managing raw materials, manufacturing outputs, shrinkage, prioritising tasks, as well as reception processes and shipping of finished products are a few features Easy WMS offers this sector.
There is no substitute for real-time visibility, tracking and stock control starting with your raw materials and ending with the dispatched product.
- Output manager for production lines by manufacture order.
- Track inventory by batch, model, manufacture date, etc.
- Receive and store finished products.
- Quality manager for stock.
- Prioritise and optimise outputs by the exit order type (manufacture, customer, returned item, etc.).